Those women

Searching for a prompt for today’s poem, I wanted something that was more than a word. A thought experiment or a trigger and while browsing around, started thinking about women on screen.
This poem is about some of the amazing women captured on screen.

Women on screen I would want to be

Striking up a conversation on a train,
Spending long hours in a beautiful city
Walking with no intent on arriving
Limitless Conversations in limited time
Céline (Before Sunrise)

Exploring desires considered taboo
Breaking rules while shrugging off their judgements,
Reveling in the erotic,
Unabashed, unapologetic
Giselle Levy (Monalisa Smile)

A collection of quirks and kinks
Filled with an outrageous imagination
Devoted to others happiness but more to the spirit of adventure
Grain sacks and créme brûlée
Amelie (Amelie)

Shining in the harsh desert land
Atop a beast riding through the sands
Wily, resourceful, tough as nails
Carrier of hope, guns ablaze
Imperator Furiosa (Mad Max Fury Road)

Sporting the red lipstick
Hotness, glamor, style personified
Living on the edge, on ice and with the dice
Keeper of secrets, patron of good times, winning always
Molly Bloom (Molly’s Games)

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