Fallen for a city

Stepping off the train, as you take in the smell of the city You feel the same comfort as when returning to the arms of a lover The familiar crossroads, nooks and corners Feel like the bumps and scars on his face that you are so accustomed to The sudden downpour that transforms the air… Continue reading Fallen for a city

What do you see?

Misplacing things habitually, making faux passes in public, and then tripping on things, that lie right in front of me! I fidget with new things, store old trash, cling on to my past and refuse to see beyond today! I always wondered what you saw in this piece of imperfection, that constantly drives the boundaries… Continue reading What do you see?

Widowed Souls

There is a piece of land between the railway tracks and the main road which takes me home. Its unkempt, stark and strewn with weeds. Although a pathway runs below the tracks leading to the other side of the road, the barrenness of this no man's land, meant that it was not used by pedestrians.… Continue reading Widowed Souls